Admission Criteria and Policies

Students joining in JS1
The parents of successful candidates enrolling in JS1 will be notified via telephone.  A confirmation email and a printed letter will then be sent. Parents are expected to confirm acceptance of the offered admission with a non-refundable deposit. This deposit will be deducted from the child’s First Term fees.

It is imperative to act quickly to confirm the acceptance and parents will have approximately 3 weeks to guarantee a place. As a matter of policy, Atlantic Hall does not publish or discuss candidate scores.

The school will provide an admission pack with all school information, the calendar, and uniform lists. Uniforms are available from designated outfitters. It is important to organize and book items well ahead of resumption.

Transfer Students
For students joining at JS2 and other classes, the offer of admission is made following the submission of completed questionnaires, reference letters (for Nigerian & international students) and recent reports from the child’s previous school(s).

Transfer students are also required to sit for entrance examinations:

  • English language, Mathematics and Basic Science for Junior Secondary School
  • English language, Mathematics and Biology for Senior Secondary School
  • Monitoring
  • Cognitive Ability Tests (CAT-4)

For students who are offered a place and subsequently enroll, the school administers a Cognitive Abilities Test (CAT-4). This is an online assessment designed by GL Education. GL Education is the United Kingdom’s leading provider of high-quality & research-based assessments for children’s education. GL Education provides schools with tools to deliver personalized learning that improves attainment and ensures that all students reach their potential; in a ‘whole-pupil approach’  to assessment that delivers a holistic view of students.

New students are carefully monitored, academically and pastorally. Their progress is recorded by written reports at the end of each term.  Parents also have opportunities in the school year to meet and talk directly with their child’s teachers. Should the school administration have any concerns related to academic, behavioral, social, or emotional concerns, the parents or guardians will be contacted. Parents and guardians are also able to contact the child’s Class Teacher, Head of Year, or Head of Boarding for assistance when needed.

PASS Test – Digging Into The Hearts Of Our Students
In order to have a 360-degree view of Atlantic Hall students, the school has introduced another test from GL Education called ‘Pupils Attitude to Self and School (PASS).   The PASS assessment is a short self-evaluation survey that is used to gain insight into attitudes that could be hindering achievement including issues related to confidence, resilience, motivation, concentration, disaffection and alienation. By comparing CAT-4 and PASS results the school will be able to identify ‘at risk’ learners who are not reaching their potential due to attitudinal barriers. Just like CAT-4 reports, PASS reports will also be shared with parents.  The faculty, staff, and administrators at Atlantic Hall want each child to believe  that every lesson has been personalized and designed specifically to meet their needs.

Scholarship And Funding
A full scholarship is awarded to the candidate who achieves the highest score in the Entrance Examination (no less than 90% and above).

A partial scholarship is awarded to the candidate that comes second in the Entrance Examination.